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Information for first year students


  • Governed by Article 26 of the USB Study and Examination Regulations
  • Interruption of studies is requested by a written application to the Dean (preferably before the beginning of the study period in the relevant semester).
  • There are two types:
    1. standard interruption of studies: an interruption of studies in the second and higher semester of studies for one or more whole semesters (usually from 1 September to 31 January of the following year or from 1 February to 31 August, respectively 1 September)
    2. non-standard interruption of studies: an interruption of studies during the first semester or an interruption of studies which took place after the study period has commenced.
  • Studies may be interrupted repeatedly. The maximum period of an interruption of studies in accordance with Section 54, paragraph 1 of the Act is two years.
    The Dean grants the request for a standard interruption of studies if the student has fulfilled the conditions for advancement to next semester, year or block of studies and has successfully completed at least one semester of studies; in the event of non-standard interruption of studies, the Dean will only grant the request for serious reasons which have been duly substantiated by the student, especially for medical reasons or when claiming the right to interrupt the studies during a recognized period of parenthood.
  • During the interruption of studies, the person does not hold student status. After the period of interruption, the person is entitled to re-enrol on the course.
  • If the person whose studies were interrupted does not re-enrol within the deadline or does not request an alternative deadline for re-enrolment in studies within the next five working days, this is considered to be non-compliance with the requirements of the degree programme according to Section 56 paragraph 1, letter b of the Act.
  • By submitting a request for an interruption of studies, the student acknowledges that they understand that during the period of interruption of studies there may, due to a change of the accreditation of the degree programme resulting in a change of the standard curriculum which is binding for the student's individual course of study, arise complications as a result of these possible changes and that they take full responsibility for them. This does not affect the duty of the Faculty to provide advice or reasonable administrative co-operation to minimize these complications.
  • With the application for interruption of studies, the student submits their Study Record Book (index) and a Form of Settlement of Obligations towards the FA USB; the Study Record Book will be returned to the student when they recommence their studies after the end of the period for which the study was interrupted.
  • Practical information on interruption of studies. (CZE)
  • vzor (CZE)
  • Governed by Art .30 of the USB Study and Examination Regulations
  • A student may at any time during their studies, even at the time of the interruption of studies pursuant to Article 26 or following the commencement of proceedings of termination of studies pursuant to Section 56, paragraph 1, letter b) of the Act, withdraw from their studies by submitting a written statement of withdrawal to the relevant faculty.
  • The date of withdrawal from studies is the day on which the written statement of withdrawal from studies was delivered to the faculty where the student is enrolled.
  • Within 8 days after the withdrawal from studies at the faculty, the student must submit their Study Record Book and a Form of Settlement of Obligations towards the USB; the Study Department Administrator marks a withdrawal from studies at the FA USB in the Study Record Book and posts it back to the (former) student. A certificate of the total length of studies can also be issued on request.
  • Higher Education Act no. 111/1998 Coll. in section 55 (Closure of Studies) says: Closure of studies is accomplished by completing a degree programme. Closure of studies occurs on the date when the state examination at the end of studies, or the last part of this examination, is passed.
  • FA USB graduates settle their obligations towards the faculty.
  • The FA USB graduates are charged an administrative fee of 250, - CZK, i.e. a fee associated with the graduation ceremony.
  • The student's Study Record Book (index), which they submitted to the faculty's Study Department for inspection, is returned to the graduate at the graduation ceremony when they also receive the university diploma (in the event that a graduate does not attend the graduation, they receive the diploma and Study Record Book in an alternative way - personal collection at the Study Department, or by registered post via Česká pošta).
  • Students of the 3rd year of Bachelor’s programmes or 2nd year of Consecutive Master's programmes often ask about the option to extend their studies - this option is apparent from the Higher Education Act and the USB Study and Examination Regulations.
  • There is no need to request an extension; students just register to the so-called SFE "waiting list" (4th or 5th year of studies, or 3rd or 4th year of consecutive studies).
  • The maximum length of studies in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme, which is a continuation of the Bachelor’s degree programme (hereinafter referred to as the "Consecutive Master’s degree programme"), is two years longer than the standard period of studies (see Art. 7 of the SER USB)
  • Standard length of studies in a Bachelor’s programme = 3 years
  • Standard length of studies in a Consecutive Master's programme = 2 years
  • A student who has fulfilled all the conditions for sitting the last part of the final state examination in the given academic year must pass it in the following academic year at the latest (see Art. 27 (5) of the SER USB
  • Governed by Art. 25 of the USB Study and Examination Regulations and the Dean's Ordinance no.5/2017
  • A written application for recognition of courses must be submitted (administrative fee 450, - CZK or 900, - CZK - see conditions in the Ordinance)
  • A completed application form + all necessary attachments (see the Vice-Dean's implementation instructions, which are part of the above-mentioned Dean's Ordinance) + proof of payment must be submitted to the Study Department by the end of the 3rd teaching week in the winter semester.
  • Single-specialisation programme (e.g. FJEMO): courses requiring a statement of an institute are evaluated by the person who guarantees the specialisation in which the student submitting the application is enrolled, specified in the footer of the given institute's form (the evaluator in this example is Dr.Drsková; therefore she gives her statement on all courses of the FJEMO specialisation curriculum, including UAC/DFAV1, KEN / MIE, etc.)
  • Dual specialisation programmes (e.g. BOH-NJL): by analogy to the above, the Institute of Czech Studies provides a statement for the part of BOH (Dr.Halamová), and the Institute of German Studies for the NJL part (Ms Ederová MA, or Prof. Jaklová), on top of these there is the so-called "common basis" - statements for these individual courses are provided by the institute, which guarantees the given course included in the common basis (e.g. UAC/DFAV1 - UAC, Assoc. Prof. Ryantová)
  • Prior to the payment of the administrative fee, the Study Administrator should be notified in order to prepare the appropriate payment order (so that the payment and payment order is matched correctly)
  • At the same time a list of courses to be completed by the student in the current year must be submitted (abbreviation of the institute and the course, title of the course, number of credits and semester of teaching).
  • A student who has had recognized at least 153 credits in the Bachelor's or 102 credits in consecutive Master's degree by the Dean is not subject to the check following the 1st semester of studies.
  • Governed by Article 29 of the USB Study and Examination Regulations
  • Regulated by the internal regulation of the faculty, i.e. Ordinance of the Dean No. 6/2017 regulating the conditions for approval of transfers
  • Governed by Article 11 of the USB Study and Examination Regulations
  • Basic information can be found in the Rector's Ordinance R 246 of 7 June 2013
  • The student has the right to claim deduction of the fees for the recognized period of parenthood from the total period of study; this must be claimed in writing
  • The above mentioned Ordinance enables the student to apply for an individual study plan of the parent (ISPR) until their child reaches 3 years of age or to interrupt their studies for the recognized period of parenthood
  • Evidence of a recognized period of parenthood: an officially certified copy of the child's birth certificate or a pregnancy card or a notification of granting social security benefits (if the student submits the original, a copy is made free of charge at the Study Department)
  • For more information on recognized period of parenthood notifications and requests for Individual Parent Study Plans (ISPRs), please contact the Study Administrators

Student Dormitories Computer Network

Internet connection at dormitories

Operation of the network, its organization and management, connection conditions and sanctions are governed by the Management and Policies for the Use of Student Dormitory Computer Network which every network user must undertake to comply with and by the Ordinance of the USB Rector on the Use of Computers, Computer Networks and Software at the University of South Bohemia.

Connection conditions

  1. You must be a student or employee of the University of South Bohemia.
  2. You must be a long-term resident.
  3. You need to have your own technical equipment with a suitable network card and cable.

How to connect

  1. Plug the device you want to connect to the data socket in your room.
  2. Log in to AT-Dormitory at
  3. In the Internet tab, submit a Connection Request - complete the form as directed.
  4. Wait for your application to be processed (within 5 business days).

Support Centre for Students with Special Needs

Studying without barriers
  • The Support Centre for Students with Special Needs is a whole university centre providing services especially for students with disabilities or some form of impairment or with chronic disease. Its goal is to make learning accessible to students with specific needs and to provide them with support in order to enable them to apply their skills without compromising the study demands.
  • Services are provided free of charge to students of Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degree programmes in both on-site and combined modes of study. The provided services cover not only learning support but also support in related areas such as accommodation, transport, etc.
  • The Centre's support is also available to applicants for studies with specific needs for the entrance examinations. They can also consult the suitability of their considered specialisation with the Centre's staff even before submitting their application for studies.  
  • An important part of the Centre's activities is provision of support for academic staff involved in tuition of students with special needs. The aim is to provide them with professional, personal and organizational assistance so that they can approach the students with specific needs in an informed and respectful way without disproportionately increasing their workload and time demands.

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