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Doctoral studies


Name of Specialisation


Type of programme


Length of Programme

4 years

Mode of study

on site and combined



Specialisation Description

Doctoral studies of archaeology follow up on the Master's degree programme. The core of Doctoral studies consists of elaboration of a Dissertation and completion of obligatory and elective courses which correspond to the basic specialization of Archaeology programme at the FA USB, i.e. 1/ archaeology of prehistory and early Middle Ages, 2/ archaeology of the Medieval and Post-Medieval period 3/ environmental archaeology, 4/ archaeological theory and methodology. Significant emphasis is placed on independent scientific work, carried out individually by each student in consultation with their supervisor.

Graduate profile

Graduates of Doctoral studies at FA USB will have gained thorough education in archaeology at a level comparable to Doctoral programmes of similar orientation at other domestic and foreign universities. The aim of the Doctoral degree programme is to provide a complete education in the field of archaeology so that graduates are capable of independent scientific work in the Czech Republic and abroad. Upon completion of all the obligatory and elective courses and elaboration and defence of their Dissertation, graduates become mature and professional researchers able to work in the academic sphere and other professional institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad. They will be able to perform independent scientific work both methodologically and theoretically, lead scientific projects independently and lecture at universities. They will also be equipped with sufficient language skills to work at foreign institutions.

Guaranteeing Workplace

Institute of Archaeology FA USB


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The fee for studying in a foreign language is set at CZK 500,- for every 12 months of studies – see Statutes of the University of South Bohemia
in České Budějovice, Article 27 (8).

Theory and History of Modern Czech Literature

Name of Specialisation

Theory and History of Modern Czech Literature

Type of programme


Length of Programme

 4 years

 Mode of study

on site and combined



Specialisation Description 

Doctoral programme History of Newer Czech Literature focuses on scientific research and independent creative work in the field of modern Czech literature, i.e. literature of the 19th and 20th century as well as its relation to other cultural contexts in Europe or worldwide. Studies in the Doctoral degree programme are based on an individual curriculum and led by a supervisor, in both on site or combined mode of study. During the studies, emphasis is placed on the issues of literary-historical methods and on development of literary-thinking thinking, which helps the students in the realization of their dissertation projects. Each defended Dissertation constitutes an independent scientific monograph, bringing a relevant contribution to current issues of the field.

Graduate profile 

Graduates of the Doctoral degree programme are prepared for independent scientific activity. They are qualified in contemporary literary and literary-historical thinking, and capable of interpretation while critically using individual linguistic theories. They can develop or innovate these approaches in a creative way, thus contributing to currently discussed issues or questions of the field.

Graduates are fully qualified for independent and team scientific work at higher education and scientific institutions. Their qualifications also enable them to hold specialized positions in publishing, media or cultural institutions.

Guaranteeing Workplace

Institute of Czech Studies FA USB


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Admission Procedure

Information HERE

The fee for studying in a foreign language is set at CZK 500,- for every 12 months of studies - see Statutes of the University of South Bohemia
in České Budějovice, Article 27 (8).

Dean's Decree on the Admission Conditions for PhD Programmes Accredited in the English Language in the Academic Year 2024/2025

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